DWIandwalking Dear sir:
        I have been trying to refrain from responding to this issue of DWI, but with your editorial of today I have to speak up.  I believe it is interesting that you claim to report the news, and yet, make no factual reference to any statute, ordinance, code or bill that is the governing principle of law for a forfeiture.  This social problem has been with us since the founding of this nation, and before.  Some of the problems that I believe should be addressed are:

1)  Is this really just more revenue enhancement which does not fall under the Hancock amendment?  It is easy for the public to say take everything the citizen owns when they feel that they are immune from this governmental behavior.

2)  Isn't the real problem 'vehicle addiction', and doesn't the vehicle destroy not only lives in accidents but also our environment?   Should all asthmatics be compensated for society's addiction to the automobile?

3)  How can a person who has been convicted of a DWI, get on a bike or a horse in this city and go any place safely?  Drivers of autos seem to want to buzz by bicyclists as closely as possible.  Drivers seem to believe that the roads were created for their sole use and are resentful if slower,  less polluting forms of transportation are used at the same time.  Bicyclist's take their own lives into their hands when attempting to use your city streets.  I can remember articles printed by your publication condemning the Amish for their use of horse and buggies in Wright County and how some drivers thought that the Amish were endangering their lives.

4)  Springfield does not have sidewalks on all of the streets for pedestrians to use that would keep them out of traffic.

5)  Can we solve all social problems by sin tax or forfeiture?  How will we run government if all become saints and forgo sinning?

6)  As a christian isn't it our duty to forgive, and shouldn't we help our fellow man;  instead of further burdening them?

7)  How does further impoverishing people who drink make them stop drinking, I would suggest that increasing the burdens on them only tends to increase drinking.

8)  Money is made by U.S. companies manufacturing alcohol, and no one is demanding these companies take responsibility for the effect their products have on society.

9)  Could forfeiture act as a bar against prosecution for the offense in that the violator has already been punished by said forfeiture and thus double jeopardy provisions of the 5th amendment would come into play?

It is time we look behind the headlines and see exactly what is happening here.  Police lay in wait to bushwhack anyone who pulls out of a bar's parking lot.   These establishments contribute to the city taxes, employment and entertainment, and we do not seem to want to make an ordinance abolishing all said establishments. I feel it is time to stop villainizing this substantial segment of our society and time to go about redeeming our fellow man.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son," what can anyone's sacrifice be, compared to that?

Thank you for your time,

Lee Martin at

309 N. Jefferson suite 220

Springfield Mo. 65806